Saturday, 11 November 2017

EE8061 Inno & Tech Management

EE8061 Inno & Tech Management
Taken in AY 17/18 Semester 1

Course details
Offered in Sem 1
AUs: 3
Category: GER-PE (BM)/UE
Pass/Fail mod: No
No tutorial classes. Online recorded lectures available.

- MCQ quiz (40%, 40 qns - closed book)
- Final Exam (60%, 4 essay qns - open book). You may bring any paper (printed) materials in.

Part 1:

  • Introduction to Technology Management
  • Venture Formation and Planning
  • Risk and Returns
  • Venture Creation and the Business Plan
  • Independent Versus Corporate Ventures
  • Knowledge, Learning and design
  • Legal Formation and Intellectual Property
  • Detailed Functional Planning
  • The Marketing and Sales Plan
  • The New Enterprise Organization
  • Acquiring, Organizing and Managing Resources
  • The Management of Operation
  • Acquisition, Merger and Global Business

Part 2:

  • The Management of Operation
  • Technology based entrepreneurship
  • Technology S-curves, Disruptive Technology.
  • Imitation Strategy.
  • Competitive Strategies: Industry Analysis and Firm Analysis,Blue Ocean Strategy 
  • Creative Tools and Techniques
  • New Product Management
  • Technology Commercialization.
  • Valuation of Firm and Technology.


My opinion:

This is the most popular GER-PE(BM) module amongst engineering students because 1. There is no presentation/group work, 2. No need any business knowledge, not much calculation involved 3. No need to go tutorial class and 4. Recorded lectures YAY! But this is a rather content-heavy mod. There are a sh*t ton of stuff you gotta study, esp for the quiz, because it's closed book and they ask the rather intricate details.

There were 2 lecturers, and both lecturers talk a lot lol, so you got to 'extract' what is important from what they say. However, they are very obvious in giving 'hints' for the exam so if you don't catch or pay attention then it's purely your loss.

To prepare for the quiz, it's studying their slides and also make sure you watch their lectures if you don't go. The 2nd lecturer has clicker quiz and some of the questions that came out for the clicker quiz came out for the actual quiz too so it's really your loss haha if you don't watch the lecture.

You must prepare for the exam. Don't think you can go in and flip lecture notes lol, you sure gg. The biggest reason why they give it as open book exam because 2 hours is simply not enough for the exam. There is almost no time to think, even writing with god speed I could not write all that I wanted to write. Write point form if really no time, they are ok with it as long you write rather legibly hahaha

As I have mentioned, they are very obvious in giving the hints, even for the exam. So you can type out 'model answers' or points that you may think it's useful for answering the questions, print and bring into exam. For most part of the exam, I actually just copied what I prepared beforehand LOL. Take my word for it. You must prepare beforehand if not you will not be able to finish the paper.


TL;DR: Ok even if you don't have any biz background. Exam is open book but if you don't prepare for exam beforehand, you confirm die.
I will recommend if: You can write fast. Slow writers don't take LOL

Quiz: 31/40
Final grade under GER-PE(BM): A-


  1. Hi is it possible for you to share the notes that you have prepared for EE8061 final exam?

    1. Hi! Unfortunately the notes that I typed out is specific only to the case study the 2nd lecturer gave. He will give everyone the case study to prepare beforehand, and also hints to it. Please remember to prepare in advance :)

      For the rest, I flagged out important slides and also brought in the important revision slides the lecturer provided for that corresponding year.

      Good luck!

  2. i find this information very will help me though
